Dominion Energy Solar for Students Program Expanding to South Carolina

Dominion Energy has partnered with The National Energy Education Development Project (NEED) for over three decades to offer curriculum and training to teachers and students.

In 2015, Dominion Energy and NEED partnered to bring the Dominion Energy Solar for Students program to Virginia schools and STEM-related educational organizations.  To date, the program has supported a total of eighteen installations throughout Virginia.

And for 2019-2020, the organizations are pleased to expand the program to schools and educational non-profit organizations with STEM programming in regions of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.

Dominion Energy and NEED are currently accepting another round of applications to the Dominion Energy Solar for Students Program from K-12 public schools and STEM related or educational nonprofit organizations where Dominion Energy provides electric service.

The program provides:

  • 1.2 kilowatt photovoltaic system that converts sunlight into electric power, often referred to as “solar on a stick”.
  • An online monitoring tool, to provide real-time data on the system’s activity and the amount of electricity generated.
  • A online data display to show teachers, students, parents, and school visitors the output of the system.
  • Solar Energy training for classroom teachers and school personnel.
  • Solar curriculum, based on state standards, and hands-on kits that will teach students how solar works and how energy, the environment and economics are all part of energy decision making.
  • A Solarbration to cut the ribbon and showcase the school’s new installation to the local community.
  • Connections to other Solar for Students program participants to share data, partner on projects and expand learning.


  • K-12 public schools or educational non-profit organizations with STEM programming in the regions of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia where Dominion Energy provides electric service.
  • Schools that have full support of school board, superintendent and school administration for both the installation of the photovoltaic system, as well as curriculum and teacher training.
  • Teaching staff who are committed to teaching students about the value of solar energy and exploring energy in class, monitoring the data from the installation, and integrating a deeper understanding of energy into the school.
  • The school site will be surveyed for eligibility including space of installation area, access to full sunlight, access to electrical interconnection in the school building, safety and security.

Please visit the Dominion Energy website for additional information.