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Summer break is officially here! With many of our regular volunteers heading off on vacation over the next few months, we need help filling their spots.
Choose from…
Meal Delivery | Dedicate one hour to delivering meals and check-ins to 10-15 clients
on a delivery route on either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
Meal Packing | Help prep hot, nutritious meals going out that day in our kitchen from
8-10 a.m. any day Monday to Friday.
Meal Distribution | Assemble meal orders for delivery volunteers picking up at our
office on either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
Office Assistance | Assist staff members with office administration tasks on Tuesdays and Thursdays—tasks will vary depending on the week each month.
Virtual Teachings | Lead virtual sessions for our Claris Companion tablet clients, like Bingo, an exercise class, book club, etc.
You don’t have to do it alone. Gather your family members and volunteer together!
Questions? Contact Volunteer Services at 864-233-6565 or via email.