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The time has finally arrived. We are moving into the new building. The address is 113-C Berry Ave Greer, SC 29651. To make this as smooth as possible, we have a timeline of events.
March 29th: Last day we provide full food/household assistance to neighbors
April 1st-April 17th: Packing and moving of the pantry, household, RENEW Closet & small agency items
April 1st-April 17th: We will continue to receive and process food rescue at current space. These items will be pushed to the lobby for the neighbors.
April 18th: The big final move
April 19th: Final set up and clean up
April 22nd-26th: Orientation & Training-New Volunteer Activities!!
Pantry Activities
We will need many volunteers though these couple of weeks to help pack and move items to the new building. If you have a large group and/or a truck and can help email Jenn to coordinate.
April 8th 10am-1pm. We need a group of 7-10 volunteers to unload the fixtures from on-site storage into the pantry. This activity takes place at 113-C Berry Ave
April 8th 130pm-430pm. We need a group of 7-10 volunteers to load some fixtures from the old building and unload at the new building.
April 8th 2pm-5pm. We need 6-8 volunteers assemble the fixtures for the pantry and stockroom.
April 9th 10am-1pm. We need 6-8 volunteers assemble the fixtures for the pantry and stockroom.
April 9th 2pm-5pm. We need 6-8 volunteers assemble the fixtures for the pantry and stockroom.
Stocking the Pantry
We need many volunteers to bring the food and household items over to the new building and stock the pantry.**Great for Groups**