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Softee Supreme Diaper Corp. to Locate Operations in SC; $6 Million Investment, 262 New Jobs

The South Carolina Department of Commerce and Marion County announced that Softee Supreme Diaper Corporation will expand and locate operations in Marion County. The $6 million investment is expected to create 262 new jobs over the next four years.

�We are pleased to expand our operations to Marion County. Our company spent considerable time looking for a place for our operations, and Marion County seemed like the perfect fit for us. The business environment is excellent and we will be able to tap into a strong, available labor force. We appreciate all the support we�ve received from state and local officials,� said Collin Brown, president of Softee Supreme.

Softee Supreme will expand and locate operations in the Fabric Resources building, a 294,000 square foot building on U.S. Highway 76 in Mullins, where the company will manufacture its lines of private label diapers. Over the past decade, the company has consistently added customers and seen its products reach into international markets. Softee Supreme expects to begin production in its new facility by the end of October.

�Today�s announcement is another sign that efforts to strengthen South Carolina�s business climate are working to attract new jobs and investments. We remain committed to improving the state�s economic soil conditions, and this announcement indeed reminds us how vital that commitment is. It�s also a positive reflection of the skilled workforce of Marion County -- and I'd thank Softee Supreme, the Department of Commerce, and the Marion County community for their efforts in making these jobs a reality,� said Gov. Mark Sanford.

�I commend Softee Supreme for its selection of Marion County for this facility,� Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn said. �This is a tremendous investment for this area, and it demonstrates that South Carolina�s rural communities offer great opportunities for industries looking for a ready and able labor force and a climate that will help their businesses grow and thrive.�

�Softee Supreme will be employing 262 of our friends and neighbors over the next four years and locating into the former Fabric Resources building here in Mullins. This is the result of much cooperation, team work and hard work with partners throughout the state and the federal congressional delegation and we are very grateful of that. We look forward to working with Softee Supreme and we appreciate them investing in Marion County,� said Senator Kent Williams.

�Marion County has a wonderful workforce that is eager to get back to work, and we appreciate Softee Supreme Diaper Corporation giving us that opportunity. I also would like to thank Gov. Sanford, Congressman Clyburn, and everyone else that helped make this possible,� said Rep. Jim Battle Jr. (District 57).

�Today represents an aggressive, cooperative spirit between many entities,� said Rodney Barry, Marion County Economic Development Director. �This spirit is responsible for putting a portion of our citizens back to work. For others it sends a message of hope, and a statement from our county and state that we are working tirelessly to provide job opportunities. We looked forward to supporting Softee Supreme and believe their leadership and product has the company poised to grow and prosper in the great County of Marion.�

�Softee Supreme�s investment represents one of the largest single job creation efforts to be recruited to Marion County. The company�s decision to locate its operations in South Carolina is the result of a true team effort by state and local officials. Marion County has laid the ground work to make itself an attractive environment for business investment and job creation and we believe this will be the beginning of more good things to come to this area. We welcome Softee Supreme to South Carolina and look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with them in the years ahead,� said Joe Taylor, Secretary of Commerce.

The company is currently working with readySC� on the screening and training process for new employees. Anyone interested in finding out more on possible employment with the company should contact the Marion County One-Stop at 1305 N Main Street in Marion or by phone at 843-423-8288.

Softee Supreme Diaper Corporation was founded in 1999 and is dedicated to manufacturing and marketing quality disposable baby diapers at the most competitive price in the market. The company has grown to be a major supplier of disposable baby diapers to grocery outlets, inner city markets and export markets. The company services customers throughout North, South and Central America. For more information about Softee Supreme Diaper Corporation, please visit

About S.C. Department of Commerce

The S.C. Department of Commerce works closely with economic development professionals throughout the state to recruit new jobs and investments and help existing businesses grow. Commerce has been recognized for its success in the areas of job creation and economic impact by Area Development magazine and Southern Business and Development magazine. The S.C. Department of Commerce was one of 10 state economic development organizations to receive Area Development�s Silver Shovel Award in 2009 and Commerce ranked number two in the South in points per million residents by Southern Business and Development for the state�s 2008 job recruitment efforts. In addition to job and investment recruitment, the agency provides a range of business support services, offers grants for community development and infrastructure improvements, and provides tools to enhance workforce skills. For more information, visit

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