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Greenview Child Development Center Receives $5,000 Grant

The Greenview Child Development Center has received a $5,000 �Educator for a Day� grant from the Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership at Walden University, one of the nation�s largest providers of graduate degrees for teachers.

Greenview Child Development Center is one of only three schools nationwide to receive the grant. �Educator for a Day� is held in conjunction with American Education Week to foster awareness of the need for more teachers and of the benefits of the teaching profession.

To celebrate Educator for a Day, four year old students and their teachers invited the Greenville community to the CDC to experience the daily life of an early childhood educator. Using the theme �Getaway to Greenview,� students created flight and boarding passes that allowed participants to select their activities for the day.

�The Getaway to Greenview program enables the community to experience the daily life of an early childhood educator. It also allows our children to pose questions and engage in active conversations with the invited guests,� said Doris Santanello, director of Greenview CDC.

The $5,000 grant money has been earmarked for the construction of a Learning Path that will provide students with outside learning experiences that will encourage curiosity, imagination, and physical well-being, as well as incorporate math and language curriculum standards. The Learning Path will include a reading gazebo, counting stone path, observation tower, crayon color garden, and a tree house.

(Image provided by Greenville County Schools.)

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