SC Department of Agriculture Reviewing USDA Hemp Rule

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released its interim final rule establishing a national regulatory framework for hemp.

The South Carolina Department of Agriculture is reviewing the 161-page document. The comment period will be open for the next 60 days, and SCDA plans to submit comments on the rule by December 16.

The department invites hemp farmers and other stakeholders to share their concerns and questions with SCDA, or to submit comments to USDA themselves. The interim final rule can be found at

“In the two years since the General Assembly established an industrial hemp farming program in South Carolina, we have seen great potential, as well as challenges, for farmers and entrepreneurs,” said Commissioner of Agriculture Hugh Weathers. “We’re committed to moving the program forward.”

Comments on the rule can be emailed to [email protected]. Please include a name, contact information, and a Hemp Farming License number, if applicable.